Image above: The Sydney Light Rail has transformed public transport infrastructure for Sydney’s Eastern suburbs for generations to come. Images for Business documented its entire development.   We live and work in a place where good things happen often. As a society, we continuously find ways to...

Images have always been the most potent form of communication for business. Images engage audiences and result in far higher rates of retained information. “When people hear information, they're likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is...

The NSW Government’s renewal of Parramatta North exists to conserve and unlock the rich history of the historic precinct. The project includes heritage works, rehabilitation of the river foreshore, creating new public open spaces, and infrastructure such as roads, cycleways and playgrounds. The works were...

Stock photos are now a ubiquitous source of images that are used on-line, in social media and all types of advertising and marketing communications.  There’s more than meets the eye, literally, when it comes to choosing what to use. And indeed, if stock really is the...

The Sydney CBD and South East Light Rail project has just completed its first phase of development and operation has commenced between Circular Quay and Randwick. The project was commissioned by Transport for NSW and delivered by ALTRAC Light Rail, a consortium that included joint venture...

When it comes to getting marketing results online, video imaging is now the king of content. Whether it be a need to improve your Google search performance or to increase engagement with your content, video has it. So how to get the best results?  

In life and business today, images are part of every communication. Unique and high-quality images are a proven way to stand out from the crowd. They increase audience engagement, increase online search performance, improve the potential for public relations coverage and enhance the understanding of your brand. Also, because the vast majority of the images we consume are online, we can choose whatever image format best tells the story.

Drone-based imaging has made aerial photography and video more accessible than ever before. Today, it is even possible to capture aerial time-lapse images. The availability of this technology means that almost all business and government organisations can now access high-quality aerial images for marketing and...